In today’s saturated marketplace, small businesses need to do everything they can to get themselves noticed. Having an attractive website and maintaining an active social media presence are immensely important, but they’re actually considered to be more of a pre-requisite. In other words, they’re required in order to build your brand online, but if you stop there, you’re only doing the bare minimum. To really make an impact, your company needs to utilize search engine optimization.

Search engine optimization, or SEO, will increase your web traffic and overall brand visibility. While companies are now dedicating large portions of their marketing budgets towards SEO, implementing a good SEO strategy doesn’t have to break the bank. Affordable SEO companies like ours will work with small businesses to create a strategy that will boost your traffic at a price that makes sense for you. And while a professional SEO company is irreplaceable, there are certain tips and tricks businesses can keep in mind to help improve their company’s SEO value. You can find a few of our favorite SEO techniques for small businesses below.

Small Business SEO That Works

Create original content
In terms of SEO, content is king. In fact, 92% of marketers say that content creation is either somewhat or very effective for SEO. And, yes, your website does need to have a regularly updated blog. If you consistently provide interesting and useful content relevant to your industry, you’ll automatically build more website pages and generate more web traffic. This can really help your search engine ranking and will ultimately translate into better visibility and revenue.

Optimize for mobile
Businesses cannot assume that every user who accesses their site is doing so on a personal or laptop computer. More and more internet users are conducting web searches via smartphones and tablets. If your website isn’t optimized for mobile users, you’re missing out on a huge portion of your potential audience. Since the majority of users don’t have the patience to deal with a non-optimized site, you’ll likely lose out on a lot of web traffic and may even experience a drop in search ranking. Both Google and internet users like websites that have the same high quality experience across all different platforms.

Give thought to title tags and meta descriptions
You might never have noticed title tags or meta descriptions, but they can really help your SEO. They aren’t visible when you go to a webpage, but they help describe a given page and what it contains. These descriptions help Google to determine whether the content is relevant for a given web search. While these aren’t difficult to change, working with affordable SEO companies like ours will ensure you won’t have to worry about adding these tags or descriptions yourself.

Focus on locality
The newest Google algorithm updates have been geared towards helping local businesses gain better visibility. Because the internet is so saturated, it can be difficult for independently owned companies to get the recognition they need. And since most people who conduct searches are specifically looking for local results, Google wanted to improve the search experience for both users and businesses. While it’s a bit easier for local companies to get a higher ranking now, you still need to focus your efforts on ranking for geo-tagged keywords (i.e., keywords that are associated with both your industry and your region or city). You’ll also want to make sure your Google business listing is accurate and has customer reviews.

At MorePro Marketing, we believe that an effective SEO strategy is possible for everyone. If you’re searching for affordable SEO companies to help you improve your visibility, we’ve got you covered. For more information, contact us today.