Social Media Marketing

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Social Media Marketing near Phoenix, Arizona 85016

By engaging in social media, you can increase link value (contributing to authority in search engines) and provide customer service to your direct audience in a matter of context and reality. This is the easiest way for a company to go to their customer without every having to leave their chair. Social media refers to user interactive web sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and StumbleUpon that rely on “users” claims to their experiences and opinions.

Social media has taken giant leaps in reference to gaining authority from search engines. Because these web sites have frequently updated content, major search engines are crawling them often to update their results. In turn, the search engines are providing a fair arena of competition for companies of all sizes based on the people’s claims and not company’s claims.

We choose to help companies market through social media through these main foundations (In no particular order of priority):

  • Reaching your audience directly
  • Creativity
  • Reputation management
  • Customer service
  • Making Money (Monetization)
  • Targeting
  • Viral(ity)

Social media is a market that is completely made up of interacting users . They discuss, debate and share their experiences with each other on just about anything and everything you could imagine. If there isn’t a forum started with something you need help with or want to talk about, you can start one for that subject and it’s simple and can be made easy for people to find by tagging your forum with subject tags. These experiences and opinions are collected and built up to help people decide on issues based on others prior experiences.

Most of the platforms available in social media are open to whatever people have to say. They are filed within certain categories and accessible for people to look up with search tools. This means that there could be infinite niches for people to post whatever they feel compelled to write about.

As a business using social media, you would be able to reach your audience directly in a creative and personal manner. The social forums allow you to dialogue with others as a regular average Joe, a professional, novice or whichever role you wish to take. However, it is important to go into this aspect as a helpful contribution rather than another form of cluttered “salesy” spam. Help your audience with preparations or suggestions and let your knowledge of subjects (in particular the product or service you are offering) be the sales pitch rather than a price tag with no personality.

Reputation management and customer service will directly correlate with each other in social media. In the forums of the social media websites, other users are able to openly see dialogue between you and other users. In case of a disgruntled customer that is negatively speaking about your company, it is ok to justify your perspective on the issue and provide helpful customer service. There are always two sides of the story and by stating yours you can maintain a positive image in the eyes of your customers.

The best possible advertising to have is a reference from another customer. With social media you can seek out your direct audience, provide a helpful presence and build useful links and content which in turn gains authority on search engines and leads to capitalization of your efforts.