
Yahoo Changes Minimum Bid for Keywords

Yahoo Changes Minimum Bid for Keywords As promised Yahoo has now started changing it minimum bids on keywords within customers…

Scott Charters

Local Search and Mobile Technology

Local Search and Mobile Technology Every day, the number of consumers that use their cell phone for browsing the web…

Scott Charters

The Almighty Title Tag

The Almighty Title Tag While it might seem that the page Title Tags and Meta Tags aren’t very important, it’s…

Scott Charters

Linking 101

Linking 101 The benefits of strategic linking to SEO are still alive and kicking. Though it's not the only thing…

Scott Charters

Perceived SEO Value – How Client’s Lack of Knowledge Can Hurt You

Perceived SEO Value - How Client's Lack of Knowledge Can Hurt You In a recent survey of our own SEO…

Scott Charters

Liability for Blogs, Emails & RSS Feeds?

Liability for Blogs, Emails & RSS Feeds? It may not be something you think about when you're reading one of…

Scott Charters

Mosaic Cloaking – A new SEO strategy or old hat?

Mosaic Cloaking - A new SEO strategy or old hat? The folks over at Axandra.com have published a new article…

Scott Charters

SEO Strategies – Those Commonly Forgotten or Ignored

SEO Strategies - Those Commonly Forgotten or Ignored I was reading an SEO newsletter this morning and they had mentioned…

Scott Charters

Redesigning Your Store or Website? Do Your Homework…

Redesigning Your Store or Website? Do Your Homework... It doesn't matter if you sell widgets, get real estate leads or…

Scott Charters

Preparing PPC Campaigns for the Holidays

Preparing PPC Campaigns for the Holidays If you have not started already; NOW is the time to prepare your PPC…

Scott Charters