Inbound digital marketing strategies continue to push outbound methods out of relevance. According to statistics from Gartner, the average business will increase its digital marketing budget by 10% this year. You need only look at the numbers to see why so many businesses are increasingly turning their backs on the outdated marketing methods of the past in favor of digital marketing: 87% of people skip TV commercials, and 44% of direct mail is never opened by consumers. Meanwhile, two billion people are online everyday, reading web content, perusing social media, and checking their email.

Clearly, inbound marketing methods, what are generally referred to under the blanket term “search engine optimization strategies,” are the way to go if you want to be noticed in an ever more connected age. The trouble is that many small businesses have neither the time nor the resources to implement a successful search engine campaign for themselves. That’s where SEO company services come in.

What is an SEO Company?
If you’re asking, “what is an SEO company,” the answer is simple: an SEO company is a marketing agency that focuses on inbound marketing methods to generate more traffic and revenue for their clients. This can mean improving your web design, crafting an engaging social media campaign, writing high quality blog content, and much more. What is an SEO company? It’s a partner that wants to help your business succeed in the digital age.

  • How Can an SEO Company Improve Your Business?The Knowledge to Implement Effective Marketing Methods – One of the greatest struggles for small businesses is knowing the difference between what makes for good online marketing and what doesn’t. SEO companies know exactly what Google and other search providers want to see out of a company when deciding whether or not to list them in search engines. By applying their knowledge on content marketing, a strategy that Inbound Writer says can help generate 67% more leads per month, and their experience with other techniques, they can make sure you’re staying ahead of the marketing game.
  • SEO is an Ongoing, Time-Consuming Process – As Search Engine Journal points out, SEO is an ongoing process. You may not see results for three to six months, and even after you start to see traffic and sales pick up, you have to keep at it. Do you have the time to dedicate to constant marketing? Reputable SEO companies do.
  • Outsourcing to SEO Services Saves Money – For many businesses, the best reason to turn to an SEO firm is cost savings. Consider, if you decide to hire an in-house digital marketing pro to take care of your marketing for you, you could be spending as much as $103,000 for their salary a year, according to With variable pricing schemes that can be tweaked to match your budget, you can gain access to an effective marketing campaign without breaking the bank by outsourcing.

Turning to an SEO company can help propel your business forward toward success. By offering you the time, knowledge, and cost savings that your company needs to thrive, an SEO service can put you ahead of your competitors, in 2014 and beyond.